Registada pelo Governo Regional dos Açores, a Marca Priolo foi criada no âmbito do Projeto LIFE Laurissilva Sustentável. Esta Marca pretende ser um selo de qualidade para as empresas que estabeleçam parcerias com o Parque Natural de Ilha de São Miguel, no âmbito de ações de conservação das áreas protegidas nos concelhos de Nordeste e Povoação. Também, pretende contribuir para a promoção do desenvolvimento de uma atividade turística sustentável nestes dois concelhos, de acordo com o definido na Estrategia da Carta Europeia de Turismo Sustentável das Terras do Priolo.
Priolo Brand is a trademark registered by the Regional Government of Azores. This brand was created in within the actions of the LIFE Sustainable Laurel Forest project aiming to be a quality seal for those companies that establish a partnership with the São Miguel Island Natural Park in order to contribute to the conservation of the protected areas in the councils of Nordeste and Povoação (Priolo Lands). This trademark aims, as well, to promote a sustainable tourism activity in these two councils, according to the objectives contained in the Strategy of the European Charter of Sustainable Tourism (ECTS) in the Lands of Priolo.
Quem pode utilizar a marca? | Who can use this trademark?Priolo Brand is a trademark registered by the Regional Government of Azores. This brand was created in within the actions of the LIFE Sustainable Laurel Forest project aiming to be a quality seal for those companies that establish a partnership with the São Miguel Island Natural Park in order to contribute to the conservation of the protected areas in the councils of Nordeste and Povoação (Priolo Lands). This trademark aims, as well, to promote a sustainable tourism activity in these two councils, according to the objectives contained in the Strategy of the European Charter of Sustainable Tourism (ECTS) in the Lands of Priolo.
• Artesanato | Handcrafting
• Productos agrícolas ou derivados deles | Agricultural products and derivates
• Empresas de Turismo Rural ou Turismo Activo | Tourism companies and agencies
Consulte o Manual da Marca Priolo |See English version